Presented by the Williams Syndrome Association, the Starry-Eyed Podcast™ explores the joys and challenges of living with Williams syndrome, a rare genetic disability. Each episode will feature interviews with adults with WS and professionals and caregivers dedicated to raising awareness and resources.
The show is hosted by Jennifer Keeton, a mom to 14-year-old Stella with WS, Family Support Group host, and exceptionally active advocate, and Brenden Lemieux, is a man with Williams syndrome who enjoys music (he plays drums in a couple of bands), serves on the WSA Board of Trustees, and competes in the Special Olympics (among other activities). The show is produced by (and occasionally features) Joel Liestman, a dad of a 13-year-old boy with WS, actor, and the WSA's Director of Family Support.

It is both an audio (available wherever you listen to your podcasts) and video podcast available on YouTube or Facebook at the Starry-Eyed Podcast page.
Would you like to be on the podcast? Click the interview submission button to be considered!