Adventure Seekers are adults with Williams syndrome who enjoy socializing, spending time with each other, and traveling together to a variety of destinations throughout the United States.
We offer a variety of activities for our Adventure Seekers. These include:
Virtual Adventure Seekers (18 years+)
- Zoom gatherings held monthly throughout the year.
Virtual Adventure Seeker Dream Team (38 years+)
- Low-key gatherings for our more seasoned community members with meetings every Saturday. For more information on how to join the Dream Team, fill out this form.
Adventure Seeker Plus One Trips (18 years+)
- Trips in the US where the Adventure Seeker must be accompanied by a chaperone.
The Adventure Seekers Group on Facebook!
- Find out the latest goings on and post what's happening in your life! (you must sign up to get on the page)
Adventure Seekers Monthly Jamboree!
Did you know that a gathering of 4 or more people with Williams syndrome is called a "Jamboree?" It's true! The Adventure Seekers decided it!

We recognize the value of connection for adults with Williams syndrome. Our virtual Adventure Seekers meetings help foster that connection between trips and conventions. Each month, we meet to learn, play games, share experiences, and laugh. Click on a button above to register for an Adventure Seekers meeting. Interested in helping as a volunteer Adventure Seeker Host? Drop a line at

Click the button below to be contacted about our Adventure Seekers Dream Team for adults with Williams syndrome 38 and older.
2025 Adventure Seeker Plus One Trip - June 21 to June 28, 2025
The Adventure Seekers are sailing the high seas in the Caribbean!
Check out everything you need to know about the trip by clicking the button below!
Adventure Seekers Swag
Do you love being an Adventure Seeker? Now you can share your Adventure Seeker pride with the world, and give back to the WSA all at the same time with our official Adventure Seekers gear! In our partnership with Outshine Labels, 70% of the profits from Adventure Seekers merchandise purchased is donated to the WSA. Check out our fun options, including t-shirts, sweatshirts, tote bags, and stickers!
Adventure Seekers at the Williams Syndrome Boutique Store
Looking for a special gift that gives back? Browse our custom collection with Outshine Labels, the online marketplace for disability advocates, where you can get boutique apparel and gifts for anyone on your list, and 70% of profits benefit the WSA.