The Williams Syndrome Association takes pride in the comprehensive stewardship of every dollar raised, and our ability to consistently provide more than 80 cents of every dollar to programs and support. We prioritize funding into three major categories:
- Education and Awareness resources and programs provide assistance and training to families, caregivers, educators, and community members which promote meaningful inclusion across all environments, increase community and membership knowledge of Williams syndrome, and ensure individuals with WS reach their full potential.
- Research is integral to understanding Williams Syndrome and uncovering new discoveries to help inform effective therapies. Maintaining partnerships through the medical advisory board and facilitating collaborative opportunities throughout the medical community allows for the WSA to fund high impact research.
- Scholarships provide financial assistance to families and children who want to attend camps throughout the nation, the national convention or other programs facilitated by the WSA, or post-high school programming of any type. Scholarships help to ensure that all families, from all backgrounds, can be included in the programs they need, regardless of their financial position.