The Williams Syndrome Association is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees. The Board provides organizational oversight and works closely with staff and volunteers to establish the vision and carry out the mission of the WSA.

There are 11 - 15 trustees on the Board in any given year.  Trustees are elected by the membership for three-year terms and may seek re-election to one additional term. Nominations for open seats are accepted beginning each July, with elections taking place in late fall. Those interested in holding a seat on the Board are often nominated by members of the nominating committee, but they may also self-nominate. Notices regarding upcoming nomination procedures and timelines are announced via the eNewsletter.

The Board of Trustees hold primary meetings twice each year in April and November, and conduct much of their work through committees.  Committees are established by the Board to assist staff in accordance with strategic goals and are comprised of Board members, WS experts and members of the general membership depending on expertise required. Standing committees of the Board include:  Executive, Finance, Research, Marketing & Development, and Nominating.

The WSA bylaws are available for review at any time by request to the national office. WSA 990s are posted annually on Guidestar.