Graduation from high school is an important rite of passage for every child. For students with challenges such as William syndrome, this “natural” transition requires more planning, negotiation, and decision making. Choices about where to live and work and whether or not to continue education are a bit more challenging when they require continued support or accommodations. It’s never too early to start planning – in fact, it all starts with the vision plan you create at your child’s early IEPs. By the time your child reaches age 14, they should be taking an active role in the decisions about “what’s next”. A well-thought-out plan for when you graduate and connections with new supports or service agencies before graduation from high school will help tremendously.
- Junior High, High School & Beyond: A Transition Checklist by Michelle Self, WSA Education Consultant
- A Comprehensive Approach to Transition
- A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities
- Transition Timeline
- Transition Planning Timeline Checklist
- Futures Planning: A Roadmap of Our Futures, Our Wishes Workbook
- Planificación Futura: Una Hoja de Ruta de Nuestros Futuros, Nuestros Deseos (libro de trabajo)