Alex was diagnosed with Williams syndrome when he was six weeks old. We read the pamphlets and went to the Williams Syndrome Association website. We found a lot of information about the types of things that Alex would probably not be able to do.
January 2013
Jan 24 2013 |
Michelle Self, PhD

Jan 24 2013 | Vanessa Coggshall
When Emmy was born, we didn’t know she had Williams syndrome. But, after spending a few days with her, I could tell that something was different with our little girl.
Jan 24 2013 |
Terry Monkaba

It's hard to believe now but 26 years ago, when I was pregnant with Ben, having your first child at 35, was considered "old". But we were thrilled, and my husband Gary and I approached this special time with all the attention we had given our careers.
Jan 24 2013 | Vanessa Coggshall
Moments in Time: Parents write about special moments in the lives of their children with Williams syndrome